Womens Day Blog

Before you wear a Black Mask, Think About it

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Black Mask

Before you wear a Black Mask: As fans and faithful followers of the world of beauty, aesthetics, cosmetics, and every skincare product launched, I am sure you have seen or heard of Black Mask that promise to get rid of all blackheads, impurities, and others—leaving the skin perfect, radiant and clean. If the matter did not convince me from the first moment, I would say an absolute no after investigating a little more, and I will explain why.

What do black peel-off masks consist of

One of the best-known and currently best-selling on Amazon is Wotek’s Masque Boer, which sells as an exfoliating and cleansing mask against blackheads and acne, softening and cleansing purifying.

The truth is that with that description, many of you indeed feel tempted to use it, and there are also many good comments on the net. But beware, all that glitters is not gold.

As for its application, they say you have to wash your face well, dry it, apply the invention to your face, wait between 20 and 30 minutes to dry, and then remove it. It is not a soluble mask in the water, so once it is dry, it solidifies and is pulled off, which is where the main problem comes from.

Skin. Yes, we can damage the skin directly. And it is that at the time of removal, sometimes it is impossible due to its level of adherence, which implies that its removal is excruciating and, therefore, the skin may suffer irritations since it can damage the most superficial layer of the skin.

More about Black Mask

That is to say, this mask works like glue that adheres so much to our skin that it drags with everything, not only blackheads (which it does not do in-depth either) but also hair. So come on, when you hear that it is beautiful because it leaves your skin super soft, one is because of the swelling, and another because it has shaved your entire face, do the math.

But beyond all this, there are also homemade Black Masks of this type with white glue and activated carbon capsules that have a similar effect. Charcoal indeed has good properties for the skin, but it does not apply in this way. The impact of this home remedy is the same as the previous ones, if not worse; who applies white glue to their face? Just because it’s non-toxic doesn’t mean it can be applied to the skin, let alone the beginning! Remember that you can only use specific products according to your skin type.

Other home remedies say you must replace the cola with gelatin from dessert. However, if I don’t use glue, I don’t use gelatin either, not for the skin.

The Opinion Of Dermatologists

The first thing professionals point out is that the Black Mask does not have to hurt. A slight itching is delicate, but it does not hurt like they are ripping your face off. Which is overwhelming logic. But it is that on the other hand. They say these masks are ineffective at the level they point out and promise.

They exfoliate, removing the topmost layer of the stratum corneum (the skin’s outer barrier). Hence the whitish remains we see. But the blackhead will continue to be or fill with keratin shortly. So, inside the follicular orifices, a simple mask is not enough to extract.

Come on, all that glitters is not gold. To begin with, what we will see the most plucked hair, and white is not even the removal of dirt.

But in addition, it is also necessary to point out the consequences that it can have on the skin because they are so aggressive or irritating that they could even lead to irritative skin dermatitis, which amounts to redness, peeling, and even erosions or superficial wounds.

If we use them long-term, they will not cause accumulated damage in certain predisposed skin types. Eyes could trigger an outbreak of rosacea-susceptible skin with redness on the cheeks. Chin and be able to develop sensitive skin, characterized by great cutaneous irritability with intolerance to almost all cosmetics.


Sensitivity skins have to refrain. But I would extend it to all due to the damage you can create in the dermis.