Womens Day Blog

All to Know About Discharge Before Period

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Discharge Before Period – Many women experience vaginal Discharge before their Period starts. It may be a sign of ovulation. The Discharge usually looks white and can vary in intensity over a month.

Many types of Discharge are perfectly healthy and clean and lubricate the vagina. Other types can cause itching and bad breath.

Learn more about premenstrual bleeding, including when it’s normal and when it’s not.

What is Discharge before the Period?

What is Discharge before the Period?

Vaginal Discharge or leukorrhea may occur before the start of the menstrual cycle.

These secretions contain fluid and bacteria from the cells of the vagina. Most secretions are normal and can keep the vagina healthy and lubricated. You can keep track of your fertility and menstrual cycle by watching for the appearance of these secretions.

Liquid discharge is usually a sign that you are in the most fertile stage of your menstrual cycle, called ovulation. However, thick Discharge may indicate the absence of ovulation.

When does this usually happen?

A typical menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and consists of 4 phases. It includes:

  1. Menstruation: In this stage, the body sheds the thick lining of the uterus through the vagina. It usually lasts 3 to 7 days.
  2. Follicular phase. During this phase, estrogen levels rise, causing the lining of the uterus to thicken. It can happen around day 10 of your cycle.
  3. Ovulation: In this stage, the ovaries release a mature egg for possible fertilization. This phase usually occurs around day 14 of the cycle. It is due to an increase in the level of the luteinizing hormone.
  4. Luteal phase: In this stage, after about 15-28 days of the cycle, a mature egg enters the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If sperm are present, fertilization can occur. Otherwise, hormone levels will drop. This is the stage where you usually experience Discharge before your Period. Most people produce a little less than 4 millilitres of white or clear Discharge per day during the luteal phase.

What you should know about Discharge during Pregnancy

If you get pregnant, even before you miss your Period, you may notice an increase in Discharge.

In some cases, this Discharge can be brown or pink, which is why some confuse it with the start of menstruation. Discharge during pregnancy is normal.

However, the Discharge can also indicate an infection.

Because STIs can cause pregnancy complications and yeast infections are more common during pregnancy, tell your healthcare provider about any changes in Discharge.

Normal pregnancy discharge should never be green, grey, yellow, or smelly.

When to see a Doctor

All to Know About Discharge Before Period

Contact or connect with your doctor if you are concerned about an increase in Discharge or a change in odour or consistency.

They can assess your other symptoms and may perform a physical exam or tests to determine if your Discharge is normal.

How is the Flow before Menstruation?

Premenstrual Discharge is usually white or cloudy and similar to mucus. These features are due to increased progesterone levels during the luteal phase.

Progesterone is a hormone that helps relieve menstruation and pregnancy.

What causes Discharge before Menstruation?

Healthy Discharge is the result of a woman’s natural reproductive processes, while unhealthy Discharge can have a variety of causes. It includes:

Hormonal Birth Control

Hormonal contraceptives can change the level of hormones in the body and increase secretions. Often you won’t have any other symptoms and may not need treatment.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an inflammation that occurs due to an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. It can result from various circumstances, such as showering or having multiple sexual partners.

The Discharge associated with BV is usually greyish-white in colour and has an unpleasant fishy odour.


This common fungal infection causes itching and a thick, white discharge. It can also cause irritation and burning.

Sexually Transmitted Infection

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and trichomonas, can also cause premenstrual Discharge. The Discharge may be green or yellow and have a fishy odour.


Discharge before menstruation is a common occurrence. It contains fluid and also bacteria from the cells of the vagina. Although, It usually helps keep the vagina healthy and lubricated.

Though, some types of Discharge are not typical. Since, They can cause itching, bad breath, sores, and other symptoms.

Such types may indicate an underlying medical condition, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV), a yeast infection, or an STI.

See your doctor if your Discharge bothers you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Discharge look like before the Period?

Premenstrual flow varies from person to person. Some people have no discharge before their Period, while others have white, pink, red, or brown Discharge. However, contact your doctor if you notice frequent Discharge or a change in the odour, colour, or texture of the Discharge.

How many Days before the Period is White Discharge?

Discharge is a normal part of the menstrual cycle. It may appear before a period, but the 1-2 days before a period begins are typically the driest of the process. White Discharge can be expected as a sign of a yeast infection or other issues. See your healthcare provider if you notice abnormal white Discharge before a period with a foul-smelling odour or a cottage cheese appearance.

How is the Discharge before Menstruation during Pregnancy?

The 1-2 days before your Period can be the driest part of your menstrual cycle unless you’re pregnant. It can appear transparent, white, brown or pink. If so, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge around the time your period is due. If you are mistrustful that you may be pregnant, take a home pregnancy test and talk to your healthcare provider.

Does Discharge mean your Period is Coming?

The days important up to the start of menstrual bleeding are some of the driest of the cycle. Some people with vaginas may experience light spotting or Discharge before the entire period flow starts. Others may have less Discharge than average. Discharge is not a reliable indicator for predicting the start of a period.