Womens Day Blog

Health and Fitness – The Four Types of Exercise that can Improve

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Health and Fitness: Learn about these four types of exercises and how they can benefit you for exercise videos and examples of doing some of them below.

You can find activities for your fitness level and needs no matter your age! Most people tend to focus on one Health and Fitness or activity and think they are doing enough. However, research has shown that it is essential to perform all four types of training: resistance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Each one has different benefits. Doing one type can also improve your ability to do the others, and the variety helps reduce boredom and the risk of injury.

Resistance Exercises for Older Adults

Endurance activities, often called aerobics, increase your heart and breathing rates. These activities help you stay Health and Fitness, improve your fitness, and do the tasks you need to do every day. And also, Resistance exercises improve the health of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. They can also delay or prevent many common diseases in older adults, such as diabetes, colon and breast cancer, heart disease, etc. Physical activities that increase endurance include:

  • brisk walking or jogging;
  • work in the garden (mowing the lawn, collecting dry leaves);
  • dance;
  • to swim;
  • ride a bike (in English);
  • climb stairs or hills;
  • play tennis or basketball.

Increasing your stamina or “holding capacity” will help you keep up with your grandchildren at the park, dance to your favourite songs at a family wedding, and pick and bag dry leaves from the yard. Each week, do at least 150 minutes of activities that make you breathe hard. Try to be active throughout the day to achieve this goal and avoid sitting for long periods.

Tips for your Safety

Do a little light activity, such as slow walking, before and after your endurance activities to warm up and cool down your muscles.

Listen to your body: staying power activities should not cause faintness, chest pain or pressure, or a feeling of heartburn.

Be sure to drink fluids when you do any activity that makes you sweat. If your physician has told you to limit your fluid intake, check before increasing the amount of liquid you drink while exercising.

If you are leaving to exercise outdoors, be conscious of your environs.

Dress in a layer so you can add or take away clothing as needed for hot or cold weather.

Wear safety gear such as a hat when riding a bike to avoid injury.

Easy tip: Test the Intensity of the exercise you do

When exercising, try talking: If you’re breathing heavily but can still carry on a conversation easily, it’s a moderate-intensity activity. If you can only say a few languages before taking a deep breath, it’s a vigorous-intensity activity.

Strengthening Exercises for Seniors

However, Your muscular strength can make a considerable dissimilarity. Keeping your muscles strong can help balance and stop falls and fall-related injuries. Strong power helps you stay independent and make daily activities more accessible, like getting out of a chair, climbing stairs, and carrying groceries. Some people call weights “weight training” or “confrontation preparation ” to improve muscle strength.”

Some people decide to use weights to help improve their power. If you do, create by using light weights, then gradually increase the weight. Other people use resistance bands, which are elastic bands that stretch and come in different resistance levels. If you are a beginner, exercise without the bar or use a light band until you feel comfortable. Add a group or move on to a more resistant round (or heavier weight) when you can easily do two sets of 10 to 15 reps. Try strengthening exercises for all major muscle groups at least two days a week, but don’t exercise the same muscle group two days in a row. Moreover, Here are some examples of strengthening exercises:

  • Lift weights (in English).
  • Charge purchases.
  • Hold and release a tennis ball (in English).
  • Raise your arms above your head.
  • Do push-ups.
  • Push-ups towards the wall (in English).
  • Lift your body weight.
  • Use a resistance band.

Tips for your Safety

Do not hold your breath during strengthening exercises. Breathe regularly.

Exhale as you lift or push and inhale as you relax.

Talk to your physician if you’re not sure about a particular exercise.

Balance Exercises for the Elderly

Balance exercises help prevent falls, a common difficulty in older adults with severe consequences. Many strengthening exercises for the lower body will also improve balance. Balance exercises include:

  • tai chi, a “moving meditation” that involves moving the body slowly, smoothly, and precisely while breathing deeply;
  • stand on one foot (in English);
  • walk in a row with the heel of one foot in front of the other (in English);
  • balanced gait (in English);
  • get up from a sitting position.

Tips for your Safety

Have a sturdy chair or being nearby to hold on to if you feel unsteady.

Talk to your doctor if you’re not sure about a particular exercise.

Flexibility Exercises for the Elderly

Stretching can improve your flexibility. Moving more freely will make it easier to bend down to tie your shoes or look over your shoulder, a stretching exercise when backing your car. Flexibility exercises include:

  • inner thigh stretch
  • ankle stretch
  • pull off the back of the leg.

Tips for your Safety

  • Stretch when muscles are warm.
  • Stretch after resistance or strengthening exercise.
  • Don’t stretch so much that it hurts.
  • Always remember to breathe normally while investing a stretch.
  • Talk to your physician if you’re not sure about a particular exercise.