Womens Day Blog

6 Tips on Staying Happy, Healthy, and Independent as you get Older

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Tips on Staying – Getting older happens to us all, and although you can’t stop it, there are things you can do to keep yourself in tip-top condition as you enter and manoeuvre your more senior years.

It may be necessary to you that you can stay at home as you age rather than having to live in a care facility or move in with family. If this is the case and ageing in place is a priority, read on.

Here are 6 tips on staying happy, healthy, and independent as you get older.

Try and do things yourself before asking for help.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for help but before you do, consider whether it’s something you can do yourself. It may affect your confidence if you get into the habit of asking for help or allowing people to do things for you.

If family or friends offer to do something you know is beyond your capabilities, you should obviously accept the help but try not to get used to everything being done for you. It will help you remain independent and give you a sense of achievement. However, there’s no shame in asking for help, especially when you can easily find online help for mental health without burdening your family physically or financially.

Reduce your red meat intake

Many types of meat are high in saturated fat and can increase cholesterol levels. Not only that, but ongoing research shows that people who eat red meat are at an increased risk of stroke, diabetes, and heart disease.

Science is also suggesting that increased levels of serum phosphate – found in red meat – may even speed up the visible ageing process, so if you want to feel healthier and look better, try and give it a miss.

If you don’t feel comfortable giving it up altogether, have a few days off each week. You might be surprised at how much better you feel.

Medical alert systems

If you struggle with mobility or live alone and feel a little concerned about falling or having an accident, a medical alert system might be what you need. These versatile pieces of tech are designed to allow the user to trigger an alarm should they be experiencing difficulties and need help. Plus, you can get monthly scheduled checkups, click to Find the Best Doctor in Dubai for all your appointments.

The functionality and level of monitoring will depend on the system you opt for.

For example, a Lively all-in-one medical alert provides you with two-way communication, fall detection, and a Lively personal operator on hand 24/7. Not only could this device save your life, but it will give you and your family peace of mind that you will receive the proper attention as fast as possible.

Spend a little time researching the options available until you find the system best suited to your needs.

Stay active

Being active helps your body and can do wonders for your mental health too, so, if possible, you should try and do at least 30 minutes of activity per day. Walking is a great choice, or if you fancy something a little more creative, why not try yoga or Pilates? Swimming is another popular activity for seniors, and cycling is a great way to work on your cardiovascular health without putting too much strain on your joints.

Eat more plants

More and more people are switching to a plant-based diet because of the proven benefits to your overall health. Where possible, try to increase your intake of fruit and veg, and instead of snacking on foods high in sugar, salt, or saturated fat, opt for healthier options such as dates, hummus, nuts, and seeds.

The wider the variety of plants you eat, the better you will feel and the healthier you will become, so try and incorporate them into your meals each day.

Many people who switch to a plant-based lifestyle may feel less lethargic, sleep better, notice positive changes to their complexion, and many even find improvement in their mobility.

Live life to the full.

One of the most important things you can do as you get older is to make each day count. None of us knows how long we have left on this beautiful planet, so enjoy every precious moment.

Socialize with friends and family, find a new hobby, or get involved in the local community. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s fun and fulfilling, and it will help you maintain a positive outlook on life. You only get one life, so you must make the most of it.